On Thursday, May 4, Dharma teacher Candle Summers will visit Eastside Insight Meditation from Portland via Zoom. We will meet at 7 p.m. to meditate together and to share some teachings of the dharma.
We’re fortunate to have Candle join us, because she is a seasoned and deep practitioner, with many years of practice.
The title of her talk will be “Gratitude, a Cause of Generosity.”
Candle writes:
"Why are generosity and gratitude important in our practice? The practice of generosity is about sharing our lives with others. It's something good to reflect on. It's not all about how it benefits another, the ones that we give to, that we practice generosity. It is also about how it benefits ourselves, our hearts, our practice of liberation, how it nourishes our highest aspirations. It's actually the foundation of our spiritual evolution.”
Her bio:
“Candle has been involved in Theravada Burmese lineage, and using mindfulness practice naturally in daily life, since 1983. Summers participated in the Community Dharma Leader training at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in 2003. As a student, she has completed courses of study in Mahasi Sayadaw’s Manual of Insight taught by Steve Armstrong and Kamala Masters, completed a 10-month training on the 10 Paramis, and has been influenced by Sayadaw U Tejaniya in awareness becoming natural. She is inviting sangha to meet and share in spiritual friendship. She currently hosts two regular zoom sitting groups, and is part of the Portland Insight Meditation Center teachers council.”
Any dana donations for Candle will be very welcome. Here is a link for dana donations. http://PayPal.me/CandleSummers
Also please consider donating to Northlake, which makes the chapel available for Eastside Insight. Please specify that your donation is in appreciation of support for Eastside Insight.
If you wish to attend by Zoom, the URL will be https://tinyurl.com/EIMS-Kirkland-2023
If you’ll be attending in person, we’ll be sitting in the Northlake Unitarian Universalist Church chapel, in Kirkland. The address is 315 3rd Ave S., Kirkland, WA 98033.
We need a volunteer or two to set up tea and seating for the evening, and this is an opportunity for one or two of you to support the sangha. Below is the link where you can sign up. Thank you!
May you all be well and happy.
Below is a message from Seattle Insight Meditation Society about their need for volunteers, for all or any of you.
Seattle Insight Meditation Society is needing volunteers, especially for its Seattle operations, so please do step forward if so moved. Below is an email outlining opportunities. This is a way to contribute to the dharma, in important ways.
Volunteering is the Heart of SIMS
SIMS thrives as a sangha because of the participation of our members. Our programs are possible only through the dedication, commitment and generosity of our volunteers. We need your help to continue to offer sits, talks, classes, and retreats. Volunteering facilitates deeper connections and is an easier way to make new friends in the sangha.
If you have special skills, talents and/or a willingness to learn, consider volunteering. We welcome both in-person and online volunteers who may be living outside of Seattle or are unable to travel easily.
Some additional benefits of volunteering at SIMS:
Attend the events you volunteer at for free
Enjoy special volunteer-only daylong retreats and events taught by a Guiding Teacher
Develop friendship and connection with like-minded people
Find a deepened sense of belonging and ownership in our community
We invite you to review the volunteer roles currently open arranged by the type of role with an estimated time commitment. If one sparks your interest, reach out to us for a conversation and more information. The roles marked with an * are particularly needed.
Light Time Commitment
45 minutes or less per event
Greeters and Managers for Monday Nights:
Volunteer as a Greeter or Manager for Monday nights (non AV role) – this is probably the easiest volunteer job. Volunteers gather about 20-30 minutes early to prepare the meditation hall and stay after the evening’s event for an additional 15-20 minutes to wish good night to attendees, count and record the dana, and return the Worship Hall to its original state.
Contact Mae Rosok: mjrosok@gmail.com
Greeters and Manager for Other Events:
Responsibilities are the same as above. Let us know if you are able to be in our “pool” of volunteer greeters and managers for a variety of one-time SIMS events.
Events to choose from:
Non-Residential Retreats
Non-Residential Evening talks with visiting teachers
Introduction to Insight Meditation Class
6 week class offered 4x yearly
Day of Mindfulness
Follows the last Intro to Meditation Class class, 4x yearly
Contact Cubba Reese: cubba.reese@seattleinsight.org
Audio-Visual Support Team for Hybrid Sits:
Join the pool of folks that set up AV equipment for hybrid events at SIMS. All training and documentation provided. See full job description here: https://seattleinsight.org/community/volunteer-opportunities/
For more information contact Cheryl Marland: Cheryl.Marland@seattleinsight.org
Moderate Time Commitment
(30-60 minutes per week on average)
Lead Roles - Can be done Online
Lead roles at SIMS ensure that the various teams of volunteers for specific events are sufficiently trained and staffed over the course of the year. If you enjoy coordinating a team of people to organize our daylong Non-Residential Retreats, Introduction to Meditation Classes, or Days of Mindfulness, consider applying for one of these roles. Ability to encourage a warm, welcoming atmosphere for yogis to practice is important. Knowledge of Google docs, Sheets, and PowerPoint is helpful but not required.
Please contact Cubba for more information: cubba.reese@seattleinsight.org
*Lead Roles Currently Open:
Non-Residential Retreat
Non-Residential Retreat Evening Talk
Introduction to Insight Meditation Class
6 week class offered 4x/yearly
Day Of Mindfulness Event
Follows the last Intro to Meditation Class class, 4x/yearly
*Volunteer Coordinator:
The Volunteer Coordinator is an essential role. This person works with the Program Coordinator, supports the Program Leads for specific events and encourages sangha members to join the ranks of volunteers. It's a great opportunity to connect with and inspire others. Good people and organizational skills are helpful.
Please contact Cubba for more information: cubba.reese@seattleinsight.org
*Zoom Support Team - Online attendees welcome
Provide zoom support during sangha meetings. You will be part of a team on a rotating Zoom support schedule. If you’ve got experience hosting Zoom meetings, we’d love to hear from you. Training will be provided to include security settings, managing breakouts and the like depending on the kinds of events you may be willing to support.
Frequency: About twice per month, 2 hours. Or volunteer to support an occasional weekend retreat.
Contact Ken Yasuhara: ken.yasuhara@gmail.com
Registrar Team - Online attendees welcome
The registrar team (3-4 people) meets and volunteers remotely from home, supporting SIMS classes and retreats. Team members collaborate with each other, other volunteers, teachers, and attendees, to smooth out the road to liberation. (Or to laugh at the un-smooth!) Humor, flexibility, affection, and cooperation are hallmarks of this team. Overall commitment: 5-8 hours/month, with more hours before an event and almost none when no event is scheduled. See a detailed description here.
Please contact lead registrar Martha for more information: registrar@seattleinsight.org